Please join the ladies of Junior Auxiliary of McMinnville for their annual Yankee Doodle Children’s Parade on July 4th at 10:30 am at City Hall of McMinnville. The Children's Parade is a part of the City of McMinnville's Independence Day Celebration.
For children 0 - 5th grade.
Preregistration from 9-10
Entries should be patriotic or community pride theme
Floats can include any riding toy (non motorized)
This year features parade judges & participants
The Mayor (Jimmy Haley)
Vice Mayor (Ben Newman)
Municipal judge of Morrison (John Partin)
Also this year JA will be sponsoring children from Hamilton Street Activity Center to assist decorating floats for the parade.
JA will be handing out pop ice and ice water to stay cool
Awards will be presented to each age group following the parade
Entries can be handed in: at the parade location until 10am on July 4th.
Contact Chair-Margaret Sutton or Co-chair-Becky Partin with questions about the event.